Back to her Editor Roots! Why Eva Chen is Guest Editing this Italian Magazine

by Freya Drohan

Before she became Instagram’s resident fashion guru, Eva Chen was one of the brightest young editors in the game. And now, she’s got her editrix cap back on after being tapped by Grazia Italia to guest edit its newest issue.

Editor in chief Silvia Grilli invited Chen, currently Instagram’s director of fashion partnerships, to join her in the development of the upcoming issue of the magazine (out tomorrow) to illustrate how traditional media and digital/social platforms can support each other when it comes to freedom of expression.

While this is the first partnership of its kind, blogger Chiara Ferragni previously guest edited an issue of the weekly magazine. Grazia Italia is no stranger to bringing influencers into the fold either, having had digital “it” girls come on board as regular online collaborators between 2012-2017.

Before jumping over to the tech world, Chen was the (youngest ever!) editor in chief of Lucky and beauty and health director at Teen Vogue. The decision to invite Chen to collaborate came as a result of the Black Lives Matter protests, which inspired Grilli to highlight the importance of social media when it comes to the global conversation about social justice.

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Il nuovo numero di #Grazia , in edicola domani giovedì 3 settembre, celebra la libertà di espressione. E lo fa insieme con Instagram. Una collaborazione esclusiva con una direttrice ospite speciale @Evachen212 , responsabile delle partnership moda del social network. Per la prima volta stampa e digitale si alleano per dare voce a tutte le voci. «Questo numero straordinario porta un grande messaggio: liberate la vostra voce» ha spiegato la direttrice di Grazia @Silvia_grilli . La cover, ideata e realizzata dal visual artist @Marinocapitanio, si anima grazie alla realtà aumentata e a un filtro speciale Instagram che vi sveleremo. La moda, inclusiva, sostenibile ed ecologica, vi sorprenderà con effetti speciali. Le interviste sono dedicate a donne e uomini che ogni giorno fanno sentire la forza delle loro differenze. Da @Elodie e @Mahmood e @Whoopigoldberg , attrice americana simbolo dell’anti-razzismo, a molti altri, tutti insieme con voi in un viaggio di libertà. Ci vediamo da domani in edicola, e qui con molte sorprese, per sentire la vostra voce #liberalatuavoce #instatodigrazia #ioleggograzia #instagram #evachen #silviagrilli #Mahmood #elodie #woopygoldberg #marinocapitanio #gruppomondadori

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Grilli said, “We couldn’t help but take into account the cultural movement stemming from this tragic event [Floyd’s killing]…and we decided to link this issue to the freedom of expression in all its forms. People were taking to the streets to protest against police brutality and talking about integration and inclusivity.”

“The whole issue is a journey through freedom in which the printed and digital platforms dialogue,” she continued.

The issue also includes actress Whoopi Goldberg—who calls on people of color to vote during the upcoming presidential election—and Houston Ballet dancer Harper Watters, who has found viral fame dancing in pink heels on his Instagram account. Beauty entrepreneur Kristen Noel Crawley, actress Rebecca Edogamhe, and singer Mahmood are also among the contributors.

As part of the project, an Instagram filter of various mouths shouting— developed by artist Marino Capitaniowas—was also created. The “libera la tua voce [free your voice]” filter will be available on Grazia’s account for the launch week of the issue, encouraging people to share their voice.

Chen said, “I want to dedicate this Grazia issue to everyone on Instagram who, thanks to their courage and strength, are fighting for change. This issue does not celebrate perfection, but rather authenticity. It’s an ode to uniqueness rather than minorities, to the sense of community and kindness.”

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